Olabisi Obaleye is a very beautiful and talented businesswoman. She is young, creative and hardworking. She is also focused on her career as a businesswoman.
She learned a lot from her very hardworking mum.
Olabisi Obaleye is one of the highly successful young business ladies in the UK. She is doing so very well.
Though she lives in London, she also frequents Nigeria a lot. Whenever she is in town she is always up in Abuja where she runs a successful foam business.
This pretty llesha born lady is the daughter of the owner of Yinka Oba Foam. That is her mum.
Olabisi Obaleye has a foam factory in Abuja called Joy Dream products.
Let's quickly tell more. She is brilliant. She is a Biochemist and a Psychiatric nurse.
This beautiful lady was trained in the UK.
Let's tell you more. She is a very quiet lady. She is very reserved. She is not loud at all. She is classy.
She's not your regular party person. We celebrate this lady of substance who we believe deserves all the accolades she can get.