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What lt Means To Be A Slay Queen By Queen of Style, Dr Obianma Onya

To be a confident, classy woman who is comfortable in her own skin and at home with her femininity.... An intelligent, multitasking girlfriend/wife, mom (which ever one applies) and career woman who is a go-getter and achiever in all ramifications...with a Midas touch...

One who perseveres in the face of adversity and challenges...and keeps hope alive for a greater tomorrow.

She is a firm believer in the Lord God Almighty and imparts the right values on all the members of her household.

ENVY, JEALOUSY and HATRED are words not found in her dictionary. Instead, she readily exhibits LOVE to those dear to her and extends a helping hand to the needy...

Being a 'Slay Queen' does not connote being fake and un-natural but rather, the ability to use clothes, accessories, make-up etc. to enhance one's looks and boost one's confidence.

However I'm not a proponent of folks going to extremes...plastic surgery, fake nails, lashes, hips etc...but I by no means condemn those that feel compelled to use these 'gadgets' to boost their confidence and morale.

I also don't encourage women to live above their means...Buy fashion items/ accessories you can readily afford. In addition, I implore you all to save as much money as you can for more important and fruitful ventures.
Time is of essence! Don't waste it! Get educated...get another degree....start another business...

Everyone needs a holiday from time to time...to 'get away from it all'.
Plan your vacations ahead of time...
Be faithful to your spouse/significant other...

To be a true Slay Queen, you should always keep yourself and your surroundings clean, exercise regularly, eat healthy meals, avoid alcohol and other illicit drugs. You should have coping mechanisms for stress and practice what we medics refer to as 'sleep hygiene' (google that), safe sex, child spacing which is part and parcel of family planning. Pay regular visits to your family doctor for regular health checks, health education and counselling....it could be lifesaving.

Of utmost importance is for all women to be financially empowered and have a source of livelihood. Indeed it is beneficial to aim at having multiple streams of income. That way, you will have self-satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment even as you attract respect and recognition from your spouse/significant other, your in-laws friends, work colleagues and the society at large.
To sum it all up,in order to be a 'Slay Queen', you have to be a good manager of time and other resources even as you aim to be successful in all aspects of your life. This quest for success should by no means dampen your desire and ability to look great unconditionally, dress appropriately and gorgeously for any occasion. For indeed, LOOKING GOOD IS GOOD BUSINESS! Now you can take that to the bank!
It's photoshoot time!

Dr. Obianma Onya

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