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Eclectic fashion diva “Nancy Isime “

Nancy Isime is a Nigerian actress, model, tv presenter. Nancy was born in Lagos state “ December 17, 1991”, she is from Edo state. She had her primary and junior secondary education in Lagos and furthered her senior secondary education in Edo state. She obtained a diploma in social work from the University of Lagos.

Nancy Isime lost her mother when she was 5years old. She has since appeared in several films and she is known for hosting award shows, presenting on Hiptv shows and gossip show “ The Squeeze.

Nancy consistently enriches us with new fashion styles from the casual looks- chic looks- edgy looks -dressy looks to the African looks. Nancy keeps her audience drooling and her slaying game is peng. She is not an exception in rocking African fabrics like a slayer that she is . When you are out of dressing ideas, you can always stop by at Nancy’s social media pages for ideas to up your fashion game.

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