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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Fabulous and Fly MERCY ITOHAN @40

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To say she is a day past mid 20s will come as a shock to most people who meets Mercy Itohan. She is a nurse and supporter of different charities in the UK. Her greatest passion is looking after single mothers through any support they need, especially after the breakdown of a relationship. She provides support that would help them carry on with life, and be able to look after their children the best they can.

Mercy is a strong believer in Christ; thus, her life reflects God’s teachings. She lives a life of purpose through which making an impact positively to those she comes across is paramount. Her aim is to be a blessing to humanity, a legacy she hopes carries on through her family.

She recently became a life member of the 4th floor. Her 40th was celebrated by friends and family with so much love showing how much she is appreciated. The celebration reflected her passion for fashion and all things beautiful.

Mercy Itohan is a wife and mother to three teenage children. Her service to those whose life she has touched was reflected on the day. A day filled with memories she will cherish forever.

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