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5 Benefits Of Using Lipstick By Seun Elegushi


Lipsticks are one of the makeup products women use mostly on a daily basis, if not all the time!

There are many benefits to using lipstick. In this article, we will be discussing only 5 benefits, and here they are:


1- Lipsticks help in protecting the lips from the sun, because of the ingredients present in it. Protecting it from the harmful UV rays. 

 2- Lipsticks help with a woman's confidence, making her feel more powerful. Also, help in making them appear more attractive. 

3- Lipsticks have Aloe Vera and sometimes Vitamin E which helps to provide hydration.


4- Lipsticks help in making a woman feel good during tough times. Enhances their mood, and instantly makes women feel empowered.  


5- lipstick can help women look more credible at a professional setting, also during a romantic date with their romantic partner.

6- Lipsticks help in enhancing the color of your eyes, and that in turn makes your eyes look bigger. As with the other benefits of wearing lipstick, your choice of color is important, so make sure to choose the right shade of lipstick that will enhance your eyes.

7- Lipsticks help in the posture of women. Several studies have shown that women who regularly use lipstick have a better posture in the later years of their life. With long and steady tradition of standing in front of the mirror and keeping your posture and body shape in healthy conditions, women in the ages of 65 to 85 have significantly less problems with their posture and balance. 

8- lipstick helps to give a better posture to your lips. Studies have found that women who regularly use lipstick have a better posture of lips in their later age.

9- Lipstick, if chosen correctly can enhance your complexion. But, firstly it is important to understand your skin undertone, whether it's cool or warm or neutral.



Thank you for reading!


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