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How To Achieve A Glowing Skin - US Beauty Expert, Rashida Oyindamola Lawal

Rashida Oyindamola Lawal is a beauty expert and a skin therapist who lives in the US.She is blessed with a glowing skin.

She has come up with an effective way of taking care of her skin.So glowing is her skin that everyone commends her about her flawless and smooth skin.

Many always ask her for what she uses to achieve her glowing skin.Dont forget she is a US based Esthetician.

The big news is that she is starting her own skincare line pretty soon.What is her skin secret Citypeople Online Fashion and beauty Magazine asked her

"First thing first,I don't use what I don't know "she explains.

One thing is I don't you what I dont know

And if I have to use something I am not sure of I ask questions

I try to reduce going into the sun and if I have to I wear a sunscreen even though I still suffer from hyper pigmentation

I try to take a lot of water and maintain a good diet

I take food supplements

I ex-foliate at least 2 times in a week

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