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How JANET NWOSISI Runs House of Janette

Her real name is Janet Nwosisi. But many calls her Sisi Janette. That is her nickname. She formed the Sisi by taking part of her surname Sisi to make it Sisi Janette.
She is a brilliant fashion designer. She is good at what she does. She has a way of dazzling her customers with her designs.

She makes outfits for male and female and children too.
House of Janette is an upcoming brand that is fast building huge followership.
"We started officially in 2016 in Lagos. And then I moved down to Port Harcourt in October 2017" she says.

So she is based in Port Harcourt but she is from Anambra State.
How does she cope with the competition in Port Harcourt?
"It's good. It keeps us on our toes."

Well, the competition in Port Harcourt is not as high as the one in Lagos. But then even when we have like 10 tailors on a street, I still believe there is a customer for everyone.

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