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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Tips on How to take Care of your Skin – Joko Adeusi

Your skin is you.

10 Simple steps to a good Skin.

1. Never sleep with makeup on.

2. Always use a good Toner immediately after bath.

3. Learn to exfoliate once in a month.

4. Make it a habit to stem bath or do a Hamam bath once every month.

5 know your skin type. This will help you choose a good cream. You could be either

A. Oily Skin

B. Dry Skin

C. Combination Skin

6. If you are using a lightening cream, learn to know when to give your Skin a break.

7. I recommend Cetaphil or Elizabeth Eden Moisturizer to any one looking for a good moisturisering cream.

8. Coconut Oil is a must have for every Woman. Its a powerful repair oil.

9.Organic cream are the best. Even when it comea to lightening creams.

10. Hydrate a lot. Water is the therapy for a clear skin.




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