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This is the exciting story of the Somolu Sisters who live in London. lt is the success story of Taiwo and Kehinde Somolu who many call Tee & Keni.
Let's tell you more about these lovely twins who many love so much. This is because they are lively.
Both Tee & Keni are fashion designers in London. They are both stylish in their dressing. And they have been able to turn their passion for looking good and dressing well into good business.

Tee & Keni run Ejire Concepts a popular fashion brand in London. They have been at it for a while.
How did they both get into fashion business City People Online Fashion and Beauty Magazine asked Taiwo a few days ago? She revealed a lot.

How did your interest in fashion start?

"For as far back as we can remember, my twin and I always looked at our paternal grandmother who had a wonderful sense of style and wanted to emulate her taste for contemporary bags, shoes, and fashion accessories.

From as young as 12 yrs old, we would always customise, mix and match clothes (and secretly sometimes change or alter clothes to suit our own, in particular, customise denim). As twins, it was easy to experiment on one set of clothes and correct mistakes on the others.

We got hooked on fashion editorials like Harpers Bazaar, Vogue and other contemporary fashion magazines. Reading these magazines gave us more ideas for which we ended up advising friends on fashion choices and styles. It was only much later, that we branched out and sought niches for ourselves. I am a Milliner, handbag and leather goods designer whilst Keni developed a keen interest in outfitting (dress and trouser making).
So the short answer to the question is that Keni and I have always been fashion fanatical!

What does it take to be Stylish?

Knowing the basic rules of fashion but at the same time daring to be different and stand out in a crowd by impressing your own individuality on what you wear and how you carry yourself. Creativity is the key to style, but knowing your own strengths and emphasising and accentuating them is also important.

Is Kenny as stylish in her dressing as Taiwo?
We kinda roll together o. Bi igbin fa!

We both design and she usually does the sewing and me, the accessories.
We tend to bounce off each other. I might design, Keni interpreted. She is clothes and I am a Milliner, leather goods designer and heavy on customising pieces of denim.

We make bespoke designs for clients and planning to launch our brands next year after much persuasion (both work full time).
Yep! Though we work for clients as well.

Most people don't know we do as the fashion takes the passion I guess
The brand is what goes out every weekend so people only know what they see.
Now going both going part-time is the sacrifice and compromise to focus on our brand.

Right now both are into clothes and accessories made by them.

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