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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.


Her real name is Bunmi Olaniyi but everybody calls her Queen Bee. She is passionate about what she does. She likes to help others.

As regards the alias sir, the source was a friend of mine at Secondary School who chose to call me QueenB due to probably her perception of me or possibly my personality; she would call me Queen B. This was no thorough coincidence though the B suffix is as a result of my name Bunmi and not the popularly known Bee insect.  That's the story behind the name sir.

What's her line of business?

I am fortunate and privileged to be in healthcare sector.  I had always wanted to care for and support others with their wellbeing. Nothing too exciting, I guess that's the way I was built by the Almighty. I have been so empathetic with people going through any type of struggles.....what a boring nature.

However, it has been my motivation through life in becoming a Psychology major and working in Social Care Work. I am also blessed to have started an Non-Profit organisation namely Katherine Demilade Olaniyi care Foundation.

I continue to professionally develop myself and also ensure that my social life is not deprived in other words when it comes to enjoying I do my best to party hard after a hard days work.

She combines a lot of roles.

I am a wife and a mother of 4. Married to an amazing gentle soul in the name of Hakeem Olaniyi. He's a source of strength and Pride.

She also explains a lot more about her foundation.

KDOC Foundation pronounced as KayDoc foundation is a charitable organisation that seek to support the less privileged and Families with a emphatic focus on children who are vulnerable, sick, or with disabilities.

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