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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.


The Little girl watched keenly as her dad consumed his breakfast and with a very confused mutter, asked her dad why he was not fasting. She had overheard daddy instructing the Church to skip breakfast and Lunch for a week, so what is happening she queried. Now the father in question, an overseer of a vibrant Church took his valuable time to explain and even revealed this to the Church .

His explanation was that after Church he was put under instant medication for three weeks accompanied with bed rest. The lesson here really is that the next generation is watching and essentially our anomalies will birth dysfunctions in our children.

What am I saying in most cases the best Awoist really emanate from Awos loins. Remember that most of the life's experience will include the Children, they have Lived it. The next generation will read it in History books and possibly oral information and experience a continuum whereby mistakes are avoided with new applications and readjustment, which is the preserve of the grandchildren of which am amongst and want to share and elaborate on in the second appreciation of the Sage Chief Obafemi Awolowo.

Question why a Benazir Bhutu, an Indira Gandhi or as in America another Bush or even the Kennedy family. We find out that even in modern day politicking there's the desire for dynasty, with the tendency to continue with well established doctrines and practices. So they want the proven and tested ones believing that they the generation must have inherent and inherited abilities but how true is this?

A quick observation on the sages daily life reveals to anyone in the household that governance was inherent and very much a life style. I cannot recall one day when a serious or current politician did not visit.

Also groups to share, make request and suggest strategies. This was a daily practice for as long as I remember and various tribes from Enahoro,Aminu Kano,Rewane and of course the faithfuls like Adebanjos,Braithwaite or Ige to name a few. They came with ideas, doctrines and strong debates and could be called upon at any time as they had the ongoing template.Today most of the flaws in governance stems from Lack of preparedness. We that is me and brother cousins were all partakers in this nation building.

This makes it not so surprising when at the House of Assembly as we laid my uncle in state we were all challenged to take our place in the polity of the day. It was expected that the Awolowos will once again become relevant in government, Uncle Wole had played his part, so where are you this new Gene in today's politics we were challenged.

The next day in the early hours as we of that genealogy prayed over uncles body. The word of God came mightily that two people will arise from amongst us to propel others and meet up with the expectations placed on us. We knew we needed to forget our differences and forge ahead in Unity. Realising that a house divided cannot stand.

The rest is History as within one year the word became flesh, that is we experienced a manifestation, somehow with some reference to the Awolowo dynasty. I will like to take this opportunity to appreciate Vice president Prof and Dolapo Osinbajo, keep up the good work . I recall the Late Rev Osibajo and his diligence and forth rightness in the house of God, Nigeria behold the reward. I conclude in the word of the Psalmist "I have been young and now am old yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread"

Still reminiscent thirty years on, Papa Awolowo left us. Thank God for great men

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