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At the just concluded 2019 City People Movie Awards held in Lagosone of the best dressed ladies at the event was Jane Gam Dede. She is a pretty Lagos fashion designer who is also a damn good actress/producer.
She has an interesting story. She and 2 of her sisters are fashion designers, with each of them running separate brands. Janeruns Twonbyjane, Dorisruns Jazz Effect and Mabel manages House of MayJane GamDederecently told City People Online Fashion and Beauty Magazinetheir success story.

How did the 3 of them get into fashion business? Jane explained.
It all started with me getting sample fabrics from Yaba market, I will make pieces and then give some to my sister Doris who is now the creativedesignerof JazzEffectdesignto sell to her friends. When I started my magazine Dip Creek, I took a break from fashion by then my sister Doris had picked interest in Fashionand went on to start her own fashion business Jazz Effect designwhich is without a doubt one of Port Harcourt’s renowned fashion house.
My other sister Mabel who is the last child of my parent, started working with Doris at Jazz Effect Designand then went on to start her fashion business also called House-of-May.

Doris Gam-Dede is a graduate of Visual Artsfrom the University of Port Harcourt and practice as a visual artist for a few years before she ventured into Fashion. She is known for signature blinked designs which has earned her the title of Port Harcourt Blink Queen. Her pieces has graced runways such as the African Fashion Week London, AfricanFashionWeekNigeria, Nativeand VogueInternationaland others.

How about Mabel? How did she get into fashion business? Jane explained more
Mabel Abayeis the Creative Director of House-of-May.  She is last born of the family. She started with designing colorful and beautiful clothes for children and then grew into making female adults clothing’s. Mabel has continued to work hard in establishing herself and brand from the shadow of her elder sisters.  She is still however most passionate in designing garments for children.

Credit must be given to our late father who encouraged us to live our dreams. He always encouraging us to do what makes us happy and somehow myself and sisters have a natural gift for creativity. When I started my fashion label Jazreel-Jador, it was a combination of my name Janeand my sister name  Doris but when I took a break to grow my magazine, she had to set out on her own and I am so proud of her and Mabel. Today, the 3 of us have established our individual labels but supporting each other, for example, model and wear both my sisters’ pieces. My label twon-by-Jane is established as fashion retail Label with the aim to cater for woman and man’s basic fashion needs but at the beginning of last year, I decided to focus on my men’s line. This was to enable us support each other, stand apart from each and have people see our individuality.

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