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My Fashion Style Is Simple, Nice & Classy, Pretty actress, Nuella Njubuigbo

Nuella Njubuigbo is in a happy mood right now. She just won an award at the just concluded City people Movie Awards in Lagos. She emerged as the best actress of the year IGBO. And the feedback has been great. Everyone feels she deserves it. This is because she is good at what she does. She is a damn good actress.

A few days back she told Citypeople Online Fashion and beauty Magazine her success story. She also spoke about her fashion style.

Congratulations on your most recent City people Movie Award. How does it make you feel?

 Thank you so much, I feel really great about this award, knowing that Igbo movies are being recognised out there is awesome, it means we are making good impact in the society and our effort to keep our local language alive isn't in vain. This is actually the third award I'm getting from City people, the first time I got an award from you was for Best upcoming actress in the English movie category in 2009. I'm very happy and Thank you guys for the recognition.

How has your career been over the years? How many years now?
It's been awesome, Thankful to God, Now I'm like filmmaker in total, I'm a  writer, I'm an actress and I am a producer. I came into nollywood in 2007, So I have been in the film industry for 12 years now.

How do you see the growth of the Igbo movie sector?

It's really growing, The Igbo industry is doing great.

You have been around for quite a while What has kept you going  all these years?

Well, first of all, I'll say grace has kept me going, Then love and passion for filmmaking, trying to go along with the good changes happening in the industry, I keep learning too cos truly nobody knows it all.

Tell us a bit about Nuella. Where were you born? Where did you grow up?

Nuella is one simple easy and going lady, I'm Married with a daughter. I was born in Onitsha Anambra State, we moved to Lagos when I was six years old... I grew up in Lagos.

Tell us about your fashion style What informs what you wear?

I just love to look good at any time, My style is more of simple, nice and classy... I'm not one to overdress cos I love to feel super comfortable in anything I wear.

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