Stella EllamsLawalis a successful Nigerian in the US. She is a Pastor. She has lived in the US for the past 19years.
City People Online Fashion and Beauty Magazine found out how she has been able to positively affect those around her since she relocated abroad. I am a pastor with Bethel MinistryHOGMilwaukeeWisconsin. USA. I am Dr. Stella Ellams Lawal, a senior pastor with Bethel Ministry HOG. l am also the CEO of LOTA FASHIONS. I am a
Motivational speaker, internationally and locally. Soon to be an Author. Married with children. My Hubby is Francis O Lawal.
We got her to say a bit about her growing up years. Where she born and schools was attended. I am from Edo state. I was born and raised in LagosIsland, Isale Eko. I went to Sonya Primary SchoolSurulere, EkoGirlsHighSchool, Okota. I later went to Aviation School. I relocated to the UnitedStates2001. I went to Midwest College where I started from associate to a PhD program. I am from the Ellams family, from AgenebodeAuchiprecisely. High Chief Dr Raymond Dokpesi's mother is my father's biological sister.
Your outfit are all beautiful.