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Words to use and sound like a classy lady

When you are fashion-forward, people don’t just observe the outer look, they also take cognizance of your utterances and response. This is the few words to make you stand out from every other lady.

Ergo: it simply means therefore . If you want to explain yourself and avoid exaggerating, you can use the word “ Ergo” .

Alas : is an expression of grief , concern or pity. It’s usually used when things are not working out the way you intend it to. E.g Alas, I couldn’t keep her as long as I wish.

Cherish: it means you value something or someone dearly. You can tell your loved ones or partner that you cherish them , coz the word cherish is a context that means a lot.

Loathe: to have intense dislike or disgust for something or someone. Using the word “ dislike “ might seem harsh and rude .

Yearn: intense feelings towards or longing for something . The word sounds romantic when used for your partner .

Becoming: its flattering to a person appearance , instead of you using the word “ beautiful, pretty” , you can simply say you look becoming in your outfit.

Eloquent: persuasive or fluent verbally and non-verbally . It’s a trait that is incredibly to have , people will often admire you and will always to listen to you .

Lilt: it means a pleasant gentle accent. When you love the sound of  someone’s voice, you can compliment them on their lilt . When using this words it shows you are not just beautiful and fashion inclined but of good intellects.

Fetching: simply means attractive . It’s another unique way of saying it, because the  word is not thrown around offen. It’s important you improve your vocabulary , so you invest in new, intelligent and fancy words.

Veritably: it’s used as an intensifier. When you wowed by what you see , you can use this word to define or emphasize the great  degree of that thing.

Piquant: the next you eat a delicious meal, don’t call it “yummy” use the word piquant to stand out from the crowd . It means the same thing as yummy but it makes you look fancier.

Indubitably : can be used to replace certainly or definitely. It’s something that you can say when you are positive  about something.

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