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How to get rid of zit on your armpit

Pimples are bumps often formed from bacteria buildup in your pores or clogged sweat glands. Though common pimples in sensitive areas, such as under arms can seem disturbing. Underarm pimples are not usual, they’re usually harmless and disappears on their own. They may appear as small, flesh tone bumps with no symptoms or red inflamed bumps with accompanied itching and discomfort.

Use a natural deodorant: use fragrance free and hypoallergenic deodorants to help reduce the chances of developing underarm pimples. Some deodorants can also cause skin irritation under the armpits and can contribute to the development of clogged pores.

Laser hair removal: it helps prevent any skin irritations and ingrown hairs that may result from frequent shaving but it takes a long time and can be quite expensive.

Wash your armpits frequently: underarm pimples can develop as a result of excess oil and bacteria. You can cultivate the habit of washing your armpits once or twice daily, if you sweat profusely you can inculcate the habit of bathing twice a day to cleanse your armpit from all impurities.

Wear breathable clothing: tight clothing can also contribute to the development of underarm pimples because they trap in moisture, which can cause bacteria to build up. Wearing loose clothes will help your underarm breathe well and help them keep free from moisture throughout the day.

Use a thick layer of shaving cream: a thick layer of shaving cream will help reduce irritation while shaving. Avoid shaving your underarm when it’s dry, shaving your armpits when it’s dry can cause irritation, pimples, or redness.

Shave in the direction of hair growth: start at the top of the armpit and shave down through the middle, then shave from one side of the armpit across the middle to the other side. Not all hair grows in the same direction, try shave in a T-shape.

Change your razor blade frequently: it’s crucial to use a clean and sharp razor blade when shaving your underarms, a dull razor can damage the skin of your armpit.

Apply aloe Vera gel: once you have developed underarm pimples, they can become inflamed and irritated. Apply aloe Vera gel to help soothe skin and treat the acne.

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