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5 Ways Lovemaking Grows Love

Cannot wait to make you moan, then make you wriggle and dripping, he whispered into my ear, this beautiful Friday night, am so amazed he wanted to get down. Decided to put some spices into my regular open and close, press the button, in and out old-fashioned way I was used to.

Laid down horizontally, on my bed with my sexy sheer bodysuit’s night wear, beautifully made with an opening like a hole for easy penetration.

He could not have ignored me tonight, was ready to have me moan and wriggle, I thought I was an expert until I realized I am taking so long to peak, he grab a pillow and placed it under my hip to help my pelvis push up. He started touching erotically, like his hands will be permanent on me, kissing me passionately and very slowly until I was close to the Big O,

He can really understand my moan of pleasure, and path me down when he feels my moan is that of pain and gradually insert in me, his womb raider. He jumped on me, I received him with so much love, we have not had this in a long time, he never felt he should ask me for it, sometimes I feel am too fat and no longer good enough for him, he married me when I was so light weight , beautiful and with a flat tummy, now everything has changed after four kids.

I have tried everything possible to be back in my youthful shame but none of it has worked for me. Today, my spouse and I explore our hidden issues and we have a true intimate experience, this we have lost a while ago. I feel so happy and fulfill, I have my man back, am going to keep this up and work on my flaws, this are the things going on in my minds. Now let me share with you the importance of love making in marriage: There are many great reasons to increase the amount of sexual activity in your marriage. Research has shown it boosts your immune system, improves brain function, burns calories, lowers stress and improves sleep.

In an article published on my Journey to Surrender blog in May 2016: Here is what her research and study shows “having sex more than once a week increases the chances for a highly satisfying sex life by a factor of 12 compared to those having sex less than once a week. That is not a 12% difference, that is 12 TIMES.

However, regardless of how often you make love, making love more often pays huge dividends in one very key area of your marriage: love.

5 Ways Lovemaking Grows Love

Here are 5 ways in which sexual intimacy grows the love in your marriage.

1) It bonds you together – During lovemaking and especially during orgasm, the hormone oxytocin is released. It’s a powerful bonding brain chemical that gives us a feeling of attachment. Another hormone released after lovemaking, vasopressin, has similar bonding effects. “Essentially, vasopressin released after intercourse is significant in that it creates a desire in the male to stay with his mate, inspires a protective sense (in humans, perhaps this is what creates almost a jealous tendency) about his mate, and drives him to protect his territory and his offspring.” 

2) It deepens your emotional connection – in addition to these bonding effects, making love builds intimacy in your relationship because by its very nature sex invites vulnerability. You cannot have intimacy without being known, and you can’t be known unless you are willing to be vulnerable. The bedroom (or wherever) tends to be a place of deep vulnerability. For most men, sexual satisfaction opens a wide pathway to seeking (yes seeking) an emotional connection with their wives, and for many women, making love tends to cause them to want more sex. This creates a positive cycle of intimacy.

3) It changes the atmosphere in your marriage – the positive cycle of intimacy created by regular lovemaking causes a prevailing sense of sexual satisfaction and a deep sense of general well-being. A man who feels that his wife desires him will feel very loved, and when he also knows that she is satisfied by him it boosts his self-confidence. These give him the feeling that he can take on the world. Wives will similarly enjoy the well-being created by the increased intimacy and emotional connection. It’s a win-win.

4) It says “I love you” to the higher drive spouse – When a lower-drive spouse pursues sexual intimacy with his or her higher drive mate, it sends a very clear message, “Your needs are a priority to me and I want to satisfy you.” In short, expressing love in the form of sexual intimacy says “I love you” loud and clear.

5) It’s the ultimate expression of oneness – God designed sex purposefully to be the pleasurable pinnacle of marital intimacy. It is a beautiful love expression that is reserved by God solely for husband and wife. Sexual intimacy is where God’s plan that “the two become one flesh” takes on a literal meaning.

Do you want more love in your marriage? Try raising the priority of and setting aside time and energy for making love. It will make love grow. If you notice I did not go into scriptures in this article, I listened to all of the advises and I am here to work with you and help build that relationship/marriage. Until my next column why not allow your man gain full access to the vineyard with his God give womb raider.

Photo Credit:  wordpress.com

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