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How Princess Ajike Sule Plans To Mark her 70th Birthday

But for the COVID-19 lockdown and governments order for everybody to observe social distancing, Lagos Celebrity Woman, Princess Ajike Sule would have celebrated her 70th birthday in a big way. 

Since last year, she, her family members and friends had planned to have a great celebration in honour of this accomplished woman of substance who is also a Style icon.

But because of the situation of things in the country Princess Ajike Sule had to cancel her plans to hold any party for her 70th. On Sunday 21st of June which is her exact birthday.

All she will now do on that day is to have her Pastor come in and pray for her. She believes these are times that need serious prayers and so she is going to spend the day with her family and close friends reflecting and thanking God for all he has done for her.

Citypeople Magazine celebrates Princess Ajike Sule on this landmark birthday. Congratulations.

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