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How Turkey Suddenly Became A Popular Fashion Hub For Nigerian Celebrity Women

Have you noticed that these days a lot of celebrity women travel to Istanbul, Turkey a lot for their Fashion needs? They go there for good quality Fabrics and ready to wear out fits that usually gives them a stunning look. Some go there to simply buy wholesale and come back to sell.

So lucrative is the Fashion business in Turkey that the Financial Times of London recently wrote an article on it.
Turkey is fast becoming a top worldwide fashion hub, due in part to its unique location that enables it to draw from the great cultures of Europe, Asia, and Africa, linking their distinct styles and creating innovative global apparel.

 Turkey, stretching from southeastern Europe across the Anatolian peninsula in western Asia, has a fascinating textile manufacturing history dating as far back as the Ottoman Empire. Forward to today, and Turkey is one of the world's most significant textile and apparel manufacturing countries. With its fashion-oriented and quality products, Turkey has been increasing its share in the main markets, especially in the European market. The country has a strategic location as it is the gateway to European markets and is currently the world's seventh-largest apparel exporter.

Turkey usually plays host to thousands of fashion designers and fashionistas from all over the world twice annually.
 Istanbul Fashion Week was held on October 8-11, 2019 at Zorlu PSM, Istanbul, Turkey. With a slate of 41 designers and 28 fabulous fashion shows, the event brings together many of the most important pioneers of the fashion world and showcases the designer collections of Turkey's leading brands. As a cutting-edge lifestyle and cultural event, it attracts international influencers and over 5000 daily visitors. The intertwining of Turkey's fascinating ancient culture and the modern style of today's fashion make for an intriguing and exceptionally interesting event.
The Istanbul fashion week is usually hosted by Mercedes Benz & it's the biggest fashion show in Turkey.

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