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POSHGLOW Skincare Gets NAFDAC Approved Number

POSHGLOW Skincare CEO,Yeye Folashade Omotoyinbo is in a happy mood right now. It is because of giant strides that her brand is recording.

The big news is that NAFDAC has just given POSHGLOW skincare a NAFDAC Approved Number after passing the  NAFDAC test for high Quality for its products in the skincare industry.

She recently told Citypeople her success story and how she has put in a lot into making POSHGLOW SKINCARE the leading skincare brand.


I am using this medium to thank everyone that God has been using to add value to POSH GLOW SKINCARE since its inception.

What God has just done today is a manifestation of His faithfulness towards me, my family and the entire Posh Glow Skincare brand. To the glory of God, we have just been given NAFDAC Registration Number for POSH GLOW SKINCARE PRODUCTS to enable us push our brand both locally and internationally.

I am grateful to God Almighty for His faithfulness, I appreciate my darling husband for his love, unwavering commitment and support always. I appreciate all my staff for their dedication and loyalty to our brand. I appreciate all our loyal customers for their love and continuous patronage.

Once again, I am most grateful to you all. May God continue to bless us all. Amen.

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