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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.


Fashion has a habit of revolving in a "out with the old, in with the ten seasons past" sort of way.

We constantly see old styles resurfacing with a tweak here or there, then it goes away and some years down the line, 'pops up again on the runway, rearranged with even more tweaks. Same styles reinvented that gets us all excited, and boom! we are all spotted trying to be in with the "in crowd".

Sometimes when an old style is revisited, the saying goes, we have seen it before. 

What next? However when the style rule book gets ripped up and we start to see power suits paired with trainers, girlie dresses, skirts and lady suits finished off with a pair of sneakers, at that point, does that head scratching confused look takes over. The question becomes, have we seen this before? Is it here to stay?

It is safe to say, the sneakers, the ugly Dad sneakers, or trainers which were strictly for the casual and sporty look can now be paired with a very girly comfort dress, a power suit, a pencil skirt and top amongst other outfit ideas which we never ever thought possible. Trainers with suit? skirts and dresses too? oh dear, who would have thought.

This latest combination was a fashion statement which used to get the wearer laughed at and seen as a fashion victim. In "Naija speak" such people were  called local or wazup guys. The outfit "combo" even evoked pity in some quarters because the wearer is perceived to be incapable of buying proper shoes. It was also a look favoured by some bosses for their househelps trying to differentiate them from their children.( A very mean thing to do in my opinion).

 However, the story has changed. Today, the sneakers paired with everything else is a trend every man and woman on the streets, just like celebrities wants to be seen in. For women it is a look that expresses confidence and cuteness without sacrificing comfort. Suddenly we seem to have lost our very ladylike ladies.(Comfort is the watchword here methinks). The feeling it gives is of freedom and a buzz knowing you can break the rules and get away with it.

In my opinion, one reason why this style has come to stay is because it is favoured by young girls and boys. Once members of this age group buy into a trend, it is hard to shake it off, making sneakers worn with everything else a match made in heaven for them. Another reason is also the fact that high-end designers and celebrities favour this look. High-end trainers have never sold as fast as they do these days with the Balenciaga clunkers being top of the waiting list. So be rest assured it is going nowhere at all.

One key factor in pulling off this style is confidence. There is also word on the streets that the favourite colour of trainers that goes with everything is white. That does not mean other colours will not work, personal choices comes in to play depending on who is dressing up.

Feel free to send in your finished looks based on our recommendations or what you have already put together. It could get you shined.

See you in the concluding part. As I leave you with a few style ideas.

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