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Embracing Self Care


In the journey of life, we are hit by unforeseeable circumstances that reshapes our thinking and views towards life.


Sometimes, we simply move back into the reverse mood and stay packed or stuck. We pride, ourselves in the victim stage and stay there permanently.


Trust me, we have all fallen prey of this inevitable circumstances. So what do you do, how do you respond, do you stay packed forever and keep blaming the world for your problems and failures.


Do you keep saying the reason am stagnant is because this person did this or did that . News flash, life is going to throw curves at you whether you like it or not, whether you are prepared or not and sometimes it would hit you hard, very hard, period!


So, how do you deal with storms when they come? You learn to Embrace Self Care, Self-love and Self-respect. You realise that no matter what happens you have to nurture your mind, care for your body, work on your diet, work on yourself.


 It's not being selfish, it's loving you.  What is selfish, is when you deliberately become a pain to others by constantly complaining, I can tell you for free, that road is dirty, dark and miserable! STOP IT!


It's,  another weekend I dare you to embrace self-care, love you, take care of you and spend time with you ,loving & caring for you exclusively. Try it and let's know your experience.


#getbetterserieswithanu, #wellness, #heathyliving, #fitness

Anu Adewunmi Aloba is a Lawyer, a Prolific Writer, a Certified Mediator, an Asute Speaker, a Journalist, an Entrepreneur.


She attended Queen's College, University of Ibadan, Nigeria Law School, Mediation Certification Multidoor Court house, Etiquette Certification USA, Journalism Certification USA.

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