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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Take The Courage To Love Again


It’s time for you to Love again, your heart desires to be loved again. Stop listening to your head because fear and venerability lives in your head, your heartache has caused you to live in your head.

Fear and vulnerability grow together and they whisper back and forth a lot, especially in stressful situations.

Courage is aware of what vulnerability and fear has seen inside your heart, but knows that “if we don’t take an action, we risk staying small and lonely, not truly connecting to others or living the love life that we desire and deserve”

Courage is going on a first date after your marriage has ended or after a long-term relationship break down

Courage is reaching out for help and letting others know that you’re terrified of dating, or of being intimate again after a break up of a long-term relationship, or coming out of an abusive relationship. Set boundaries: know what is ok and what it’s not ok for you, don’t accept what it’s not ok, if you don’t you will become hateful and resentful.

Embrace vulnerability, it’s an act of courage, it is the birth place of joy, creativity, innovation, love and empathy. That’s how courage deals with fear and vulnerability. Courage is not about bucking up and moving ahead without help or support.

Courage is not about bucking up and moving ahead without help or strong emotion, real courage isn’t as simple as that.

Courage is complex and beautiful

courage is admirable and breathtaking

Courage is You, you have it in you to allow yourself to be seen; to really show up in all areas of your life and to truly live brave. Just show up, no matter what people say about you or shame story, it’s not about winnings or your critics, just show up even when there is no guarantee.

Courage is you, Let go of perfectionism. strives for excellence not perfection

-You have it in you

-Allow yourself to be seen






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