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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.


 A beautiful day to us all. Hope you are taking good care of your body. it's your priceless possession.

As we age, the strength of our bones decline, say from age 35 by 1-2% per annum but around menopause, bone loss increase to 5% per annum.

Bone strength can be impacted by activities, lifestyle, genetics and medical conditions.



 1) Aging

2) Eating Disorders/Lack of Daily Essential Nutrients eg Calcium, Protein, Vitamin D, etc.

3) Medical Conditions eg Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Cancer, etc.

4) Smoking.

5) Hormonal Imbalance.




1) EAT LOTS OF VEGETABLES: Vegetables are one of the best sources of Vitamin C. it helps to stimulate the production of bone-forming cells, increase bone mineral density, maintain bone mass in young adults and protect bone cells from damage. Examples are Kale, Okra, Spinach, etc.


2) EXERCISE: Strength training exercise is not only beneficial for increasing muscle mass, it may also help to prevent bone loss in young and older adults especially women.

High impact exercise e.g. weight-bearing helps promote the formation of new bones, bone strength and size etc.

Maintaining a healthy body weight can also help support bone health.


3) EAT FOODS THAT ARE RICH IN CALCIUM: Calcium is the most important mineral for bone health. it is also the main mineral found in your bones. Old bones are constantly broken down and replaced by new ones however, as we age, there's a painless, progressive decline in the rate of formation and breakdown.

The Required Daily Intake (RDI) for Calcium for most people is 1,000mg per day and 1,300mg in teenagers. Older women require 1,200mg. Rich sources of Calcium include Fish Sardines, milk, cheese, etc.

Calcium helps you build strong bones and teeth, helps your blood clot normally, and regulates muscle contractions including your heartbeat.


4) CONSUME LOTS OF PROTEIN: Consuming lots of Protein is important for healthy bones in fact, about 50% of bone is made of Protein.

Diets containing a greater percentage of calories from protein may help preserve bone mass during weight loss or aging.

Researchers have reported that low Protein intake, decreases Calcium absorption and may also affect rates of bone formation and breakdown.


5)CONSIDER TAKING VITAMIN D &COLLAGEN SUPPLEMENTS: Natural Supplements that help to boost collagen production and are also rich in Vitamin D should be incorporated into our diet daily, as they help to nourish cells, boost bone muscle ligaments and other tissues, bridge the gap in Nutritional deficiency, and also prevent bone diseases.

For more on how you can boost and maintain bone strength, contact us on Facebook.

My Webpage is; Wellness essentials n Wealth.


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