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How l Got The Popular Nickname Sola Vibrator

Everyone calls her Sola Vibrator.But her real name is Sola Ogunmefun. She is the pretty contemporary Juju music act who is currently making waves and rocking the music scene right now. She is good at what she does. She sings well. She dances well. She is a talented entertainer.

What has helped her career is her Beauty. She is got a lovely figure that makes her outfits to sit well on her. She is blessed with a sexy look and a voice that captivates her fans.  has also got a great stage performance.

How did she get her stage name Vibrator.?

I got it when I was still in d university. We were rehearsing and I started singing and dancing hopping all around nonstop. so, a friend of mine said “Shola u just dey vibrate you be vibrator ??” 😊😊so I decided to pick d name

My music is juju music but am Versatile cos it's an inbuilt fin right from d inception.ders no genre of music I can't dab into be it Fuji,apala,hot tungba,etc  it takes alot of practice for perfection

When did she get into music?

I got into music just like that it happened like a miracle. Although I started from childhood at the age of 7 and went on till like 14years old. started building it back in my university days when we go for stage performances, dance competition etc
It all happened in church. She grew up singing in church.

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