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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Drug addiction and its impact on our youth.

Addiction to drugs is the compulsive and abuse of the intake of drugs. This of course varies from the patient who has lost control of the remedy prescribed for an ailment. Also includes that person that is using drugs as a means of escapism from the harsh realities of life. The aspect of escapism which ranges from youthful exuberance, to the dysfunctional adult or as an aid to all forms of immorality or crime. The aids or these psychedelic drugs are used for certain levels of permissiveness displayed at clubs or as an enabler to do strange or direct evil acts.

For example I know  someone who alluded to the fact that he was unable to freely interact with the opposite sex or approach a woman until he is under the influence of drug or alcohol. So here he has assumed some forms of dependency resulting in the incessant consumption. The fact that the usage of these drugs inevitably control the mind and could lead to derangement is the alarming danger. The evidence which are visible has not been able to curb the dependency.

These problems are even more pronounced in the developed world , as the various exposure to civilisation means the variety of drugs available keeps increasing. Advertisements with  instructions for our youths to say no from within and abroad sometimes have heightened the curiosity of our inquisitive youth . Fundamentally therefore a great deal has to do with parenting , our alertness as mothers and father's is vital and we need to be vigilant and resist the lethal effect of these addiction in our communities, homes and nation .

Drug addiction unguided does not go until it finally kills it's victim. The causes are many ranging from peer pressure,  to feelings of abandonment,  low libido,  lack of confidence or identity problems, medical intervention or even spiritual attack. We must be realistic enough to establish the fact that nature and nurture play a very important part in human development. 

For example a child born to an alcoholic parent will have a natural affinity to alcohol or drugs. On the other hand a child born into a nuclear disciplined or conservative environment has less chances of adopting these addiction.  Notwithstanding it has been observed that children born into the lineage of the clergy or priesthood have displayed some discrepancies morally and this has brought about more interesting research  as to why or how such immoral behavioral action are inherent in such families. For some they are inherited traits.

Neglect is another reason, the tendency to get overly consumed with work and responsibilities out side the home can be a distraction leading to the eventual breakdown in families.  Somebody suffers and usually the effects are glaring resulting in dysfunctions in all or one of the children.  The resulting factor can culminate into drug addiction.  Single parenting also especially the absence of a father figure creates a vacuum for psychedelic drugs to fill in some cases. The horrors of drug addiction of holding its victim captive till death or madness makes it important for us to develop some precision and insight to establishing extinction in all societies.  In Nigeria today almost every family has a story to tell, our rehabilitation centers are ill equipped,  limited and sometimes too expensive. 

The stigma around it ensures that many are living in  denial or avoided by the very people who need to confront and address this problem . In the north in spite of religion it has now grown to epidemic proportion and our youths are not helped at all. The Churches am afraid are not doing enough, and the truth is that we can not really look away.

This is one vice that is eating away our youth ,  we need to research and resolve it quickly. The increasing crime and disorder accompanied with violence are all drug related. As we make steps to curb suppliers it's important to make it as unattractive as possible by taking the devastating effect out of the closet.  The secrecy on these clandestine activities needs more exposure with a more consistent and continously whipping out as opposed to the sparse reports trending.

Lastly is the spiritual aspect. Every problem we see today has spiritual origins.  The spirit world actually rule the physical. Some of our youths admittedly are fighting spiritual battle. I put it this way, when our Lord Jesus was to be born, the three wise men saw his star. By knowledge and through cosmology were able to trace the star and were desirous to worship him, with gifts. In the same way in families and amongst us are people with astrological powers . Some acknowledge it and some resent it, and rather than come with gifts come to steal it.

Meaning that some of our youth are in a battle they do not know about but must win. As parents and Ministers let us not be rash in judgement but ensure deliverance through Churches,  prayers and understanding . Exorcism without prayers will compound the problem.  The Bible tells us that even the captive of the mighty shall be delivered and the lawful captives set free. My sympathy goes to all families going through these challenges.  I conclude in these words that  it shall come to pass that the yoke shall broken from  necks because of the anointing.  Do not throw in the towel,  God is there with us all in Jesus Matchless name.

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