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IGBO Celebrities Go Crazy For Stoned George Fabric

•Its Cost Over N150k.
•It's Gorgeous. 
•It's Glamorous
•That Is What They Now Wear To Parties

Popularly called mother of all African fabrics; the George wrapper, has come to stay and can not go out of fashion because it is mostly used by Igbo women. It has also been the toast for all Igbo brides who want to look dazzling on their big day. Infact, it has even become the favourite aso ebi for big parties because of its uniqueness. 

There was an era when the George wrapper was very expensive and reserved for the rich, but there are different types with different prices which is quite affordable.. Gone are those days because we can easily afford to get this rich African fabric.

There are many things we can do with the trendy George fabric, from lacy patterns to variety of embroidered outfits that are combined with amazing colour palette. Some are heavily stoned that they don't come cheap at all. Many events are not complete without the flawless George wrapper.  

The blouse and wrapper styles are some of the designs that you can create with the George wrapper.

Over the years, we have seen constant changes in the fashion of this fabric. However, the traditional touch on the fabric is classical and timeless.

What do you want to create with your George wrapper? In a fashion world where Ankara is making heads turn, a George wrapper can give you the platform to look unique and chic.

Among the most popular of African materials is the African George fabric, which has its origins among the Igbo people. The beautifully-embroidered George fabric is renowned for being soft and comfortable to wear.

With its regal and celebratory appearance, it has historically been widely used among African noble and royal families. It’s also a perfect fabric for ceremonies such as weddings. Today, it remains one of the most popular African fabrics and is used in many ways.

The African George fabric can be worn by the bride-to-be for an important occasion such as her first meeting with her mother and father-in-law, for example. A popular style is the African George wrapper, which consists of long pieces of cloth wrapped around the bride-to-be in a certain way. The wide pieces of fabric can be wrapped around the waist or bust. Some women also wrap them around their neck.

Traditionally, the bride is assisted with her clothing by her mother and mother’s friends, with African George fabric the popular choice for wedding garb. After the wedding ceremony, the newly-weds change into matching outfits, again in African George material, to signify they are now husband and wife.

We can't forget in a hurry when popular jewelry merchant, Martha Najomo hosted classy wedding for her daughter, it was a show of style and George Fabric was brought to life when many Igbo women stood out. 

Some of the women who dazzled at parties with their george attires are: Senator Florence Ita Giwa, Mrs Roli Adeniyi George, Hangers and Kicks boss, Tayo Okusanya, Victoria Folarin, Mary Charles, Stella Morris Idogun, Chioma Madubuko, Rhoda Eweka, Mrs Ogunlesi, Mrs Caroline Adeneye, Nkechi Ezeigbo ,Margaret Alameiseigha, Mary Inegbese, Nkiru Anumudu,Ireti Doyle, Fiona Enone, Chelma Oki, Ifeoma Ubosi, Ndidi Okereke, Ndidi Obioha, Ruth Osime and many others.



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