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How To Tone Down Under Arm Fat?

Toning your upper arms and the area around your armpits through some certain exercises will strengthen your muscles.
Flabby arms are due to a combination of factors associated with aging and genetic factors, including an increase in overall body fat mass, the easiest way to tone down flabby arm is through exercise. Losing body fat if you are overweight and building up your triceps muscles.

*Bicep curl: this exercise can be done seated or standing with free weights. Stand up and hold a free weight in each hand with your arms extended towards the ground, slowly bend your elbows and bring the weight towards your shoulders. Release the position and bring weight towards the ground again, keep your elbow and wrists aligned throughout your exercise and do this repeatedly.

*Bench dip: you can execute this exercise on a workout bench, chair or raised surface. Sit your hands on the bench and put your hand on the bench next to your hips, grip the edge of the bench with your palms on the bench and your fingers on the edge of the bench. Move your body off the bench with your knees bent and feet together, lower your body towards the floor by bending your arms till the upper arms is parallel with the floor, use your arms to bring yourself back up from this position slowly and repeat.

*Bear crawls: it helps work on your triceps, chest and shoulders. Place your hands on the floor and get into a crouched position, walk forward using your hands and feet and then you crawl on the floor as you can. Do this back and forth and when you feel tired you can do it intermittently at your desired duration.

*Push up: if your floor is a tiles floor it’s advisable to use a gym mat to avoid accidents during the exercise. Position your hands so they are slightly wider than your shoulders. Position your head to look straight down, extend your feet out and you are on your toes. Use your arms to lower your body to the floor and come back up.

*Downward facing dog: is a yoga position that target your arms, shoulders, hips, back, buttocks and legs. Stay in the center of the mat and kneel down, place your hand in front of you on the mat, shoulder apart, move on to your hand and knees. Brace yourself on your hands, straighten your legs and slowly swing your hips up towards the ceiling, align your feet and extend your toes to increase stability, allow your weight to shift back on your hips, hands and legs. Your head should be in alignment with your back and be in a triangle shape.

*Triceps press: hold a weight in each hand, sit down on a chair and lift your arms above your head, bend at your elbows to bring the weight as far down behind your head as your range of motion permits you. Raise the weight above your head, you can do this repeatedly till you decide to stop.

*Chest press: lie on your back on a smooth surface bench or a gym bench, hold the weights, bring your elbows to where your body is on the bench, your upper arms will be at same position as the rest of your body while the lower arms will be facing up towards the ceiling. Slowly raise your arms and bring the weights up until your arm is almost straight, do not lock your elbows. Bring the weights back to the original position with your bent arms and repeat.

* Triceps press-down: this requires the use of a cable pulley weight machine or a resistance band and you can improvise with a twine if cable is not available and attach to a rigid casted iron form. Facing the cable machine or where you have resistance band secured, stand up straight with your knees slightly bent. Grab the cable or resistance band at its highest position, pull the cable or band towards the floor with your elbows at your sides, you should pull the cable until your arms are completely extended  and do it repeatedly.

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